Wife, 72, stabs husband with knife

2022-03-03 03:36
BY Camy Tam

A 72-year-old local woman was arrested on Monday for attacking her husband with a kitchen knife earlier that night, injuring him, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Leng Kam Lon said at a press conference yesterday.

The suspect surnamed Kou is a retiree.

According to Leng, the Public Security Police referred a bodily harm case to the Judiciary Police on Monday night, according which a 72-year-old woman stabbed her husband at home in the northern district earlier that night.

Leng said that the couple have been married for decades but since 2019 they have often quarrelled over relationship problems and trivial daily life issues.

When the couple quarrelled again on Monday night, Kou got a knife from the kitchen and stabbed her husband four times in his left shoulder. Soon after the attack, her husband, who is in his seventies, was able to snatch the knife from his wife. After calming down, Kou called the police herself and reported the stabbing.

Leng said the victim was rushed to the public Conde de S. Januário Hospital Centre for emergency treatment. The doctor’s examination found that the victim sustained injuries to his left ear and two stab wounds on his back which required stitches. His situation is not life-threatening and he was still in the hospital for treatment at the time of the press conference.

Kou was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) on Tuesday, facing charges of causing severe bodily harm to her husband and possession of a prohibited weapon, according to Leng. 


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