Do you agree, ‘no pain, no gain’?

2022-03-07 04:04
BY admin

For: Ula Cheang – university freshwoman

I agree that “no pain, no gain” is a process that everyone has to go through in order to achieve their goals. I believe every achievement connects with the effort that needs to be taken. Moreover, if one is unwilling to put in any effort, the goal cannot be achieved at its finest. 

We often see people being successful and rich and think “I wish I were him/her”. However, we do not see their pain and the process before reaching their goals. For example, we see the greatest athletes competing for a medal or breaking a record, and receiving their medals. However, we do not see how hard they had trained every day in order to be one of the winners in a competition. A famous expression in Chinese would be “One minute on the stage needs 10 years practice off stage.” Therefore, everyone has to go through pain and process in order to gain their achievement.

For: Karen Kun – adult 

I strongly agree with “no pain, no gain” because everything takes efforts to achieve. Even the famous scientist who invented the light bulb, Thomas Edison, tried thousands of times to achieve success. Another example is Chinese poet Li Bai, who worked hard to write poems. Do you think he was happy with that? Definitely there was pain in the process but he kept on working in order to compose the greatest writings ever existed.

For: Eva Ng – Form-four student

I agree strongly with “no pain, no gain” because there’s no free lunch in this world. 

Against: Sam Lei - adult 

Some people disagree with the statement because they think that the most important thing in an athlete’s career is talent. 

Against: Julia Cheung – Form-five student 

In my opinion, I personally disagree with the statement as it’s possible for people to obtain “gains” without any “pain”. Similarly, others might obtain no “gains” even though they experienced maximum pain in their attempt.  

For: Paul Pastor – Form-five student 

I agree that both physical and mental pain leads to gain. The reason being is that in sports, you can’t improve unless you work hard to achieve it. In terms of the mental aspect, sometimes you have to try or go through the toughest times in order to become an even better person.

For: Miffy Chong – Form-six student 

I agree “no pain, no gain” because we have to work hard for something we want. For example, students have to study hard to get a good mark in their test. This shows us people should work hard for something they want. If they do not work hard, they will not get what they want. 

For: Serein Cheong – Form-six student

Yes, I agree because if you want to get something, you should work hard to get it. Also, you can make a plan to help yourself. For instance, if you want to own a home, then you must work hard to earn money. This may take a long time and be tiring but when you save enough money, you can own your home and feel relaxed. 

Written responses edited by The Young Post team 


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