Experimental video-fest brings local, mainland, Taiwan & foreign artists together

2022-03-09 02:43
BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam

The Macau Experimental Video Festival (EXiM) (澳門實驗錄像活動) brings artists from Macau, the Chinese mainland and Taiwan as well as three foreign countries – South Korea, Spain and the US – together to showcase video art experiments. The festival runs until Monday at Mong-Ha Villas.

The event is organised by the Ox Warehouse and sponsored by the public Macau Foundation (FM).

EXiM is divided into two parts – “On the Edge – Body and Screen” (臨界:身體與屏幕之間) and “MIPAF – Image in Body Art” (身體藝術中的影像), according to a statement by the organiser.

MIPAF stands for Macau International Art Performance Festival (澳門國際現場藝術節).

“On the Edge - Body and Screen” is curated by Spanish curator Fernando Pérez and New York-based curator Lam Sio Man (林小雯). The selected works focus on the “non-uniformed ideas of image” and “body’s otherness”, the statement points out. Moreover, the statement quotes Pérez and Lam as saying that “the presented videos, performances, political sense of the body, layers of the image, and sense of temporality multiply the ways nowadays’ artists…are concerned about”.

The second part of the festival, “MIPAF – Image in Body Art”, is curated by Ox Warehouse President Ng Fong Chao (吳方洲). There are 16 videos being displayed. They were created by artists from Kunming, Shenzhen and Wuhan, South Korea, and Taipei. According to the statement, Ng points out that there are subjects and objects as well as spirits and matters which cannot be reached by any rational reflection in the depth of “bodily awareness”.

The participating artists include He Libin (和麗斌) from Kunming who has participated in more than 100 exhibitions as an artist or curator in more than 40 cities in 14 countries; Huang Xuan (黃萱) from Taipei who uses her own body as the material for film and performances; Pérez who is the director of Azkuna Zentroa-Alhóndiga Bilbao; and Jen Liu (劉艾真) from the US who works on topics such as national identity, labour economy, and the reinterpretation of archival artefacts.

For enquiries, call 6343-3042 or email to oxwarehouse@gmail.com

Mong-Ha Villas (望廈山房) is located at 55-69 Avenida do Coronel Mesquita (美副將大馬路). The venue is open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is free.

As part of the government’s COVID-19 prevention measure, visitors to the villas must wear a facemask, have their temperature checked and present a digital health code.

Photos: Camy Tam


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