CC conducts price survey on 3 product lines

2022-03-09 02:53
BY Rui Pastorin

The Consumer Council (CC) announced in a statement yesterday that it has conducted a specific price survey on three product categories.

According to the statement, the product categories surveyed include various infant formula products, personal care products, and over-the-counter drugs. The price data was collected from supermarkets and pharmacies yesterday.

The government-run council conducts the surveys to improve price transparency while the results also show price differences in various retail outlets, the statement pointed out.

The statement underlined that the price data is now available on the “Macao Price Information Platform” and details the “highest and lowest price of each surveyed product, percentage of difference in price, retail outlets, as well as price changes”.

As an example, visiting the “Macao Price Information Platform – Specific Product Price” and selecting the “Over-the-counter drug” category will list various products. Selecting the “Panadol cold & flu-20 capsules” package will show the lowest selling price, which is 66.6 patacas, and the highest selling price, which is 88.2 patacas. It also shows a price difference of 32.43 percent, as well as the retail outlets selling the remedy.

The platform can be visited at

The council recommends consumers to utilise the platform for price comparisons and decision making when buying groceries.

The survey report, the statement said, can be also found on the council’s website at  and the “Macao Price Information Platform” app. Enquiries can also be made by phoning 89889315. 

This poster provided by the Consumer Council (CC) yesterday shows QR codes that can be scanned to download the “Macao Price Information Platform” app.


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