Over 1 million COVID-19 deaths in US: report

2022-03-24 17:12
BY admin

The COVID-19 death toll of the United States toll has surpassed one million, the real-time statistics website worldometers.info reports today.

According to the reference website, the number of COVID-19 fatalities in the US amounted to 1,001,175 at 5 p.m. (Macau time) today, the highest death toll among the 225 countries and territories affected by the novel coronavirus.

The US accounted for 16.3 percent of the world's 6.12 million COVID-19 deaths.

As of today, 18.5 million people in the US had been diagnosed with the disease, or 3.8 percent of the world's total number of 476.5 million. The US has an estimated population of 334 million, according to the US-based reference website.

As of today, Brazil (658,067) and India (516,703) had the world's second and third highest COVID-19 death toll respectively.

Macau's COVID-19 tally stands at 82, excluding 63 asymptomatic cases, according to the Macau Health Bureau (SSM). Macau is one of the fewer than a dozen countries and territories that have reported zero COVID-19 deaths.


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