Forum urges govt to ‘plan well’ for dog racetrack plot

2016-08-08 08:00
BY admin

Attending a forum organised by local think tank Macau Wisdom Convergence yesterday, guest speakers Iu Veng Ion, Sam Keng Wan and Vong Kuoc Ieng urged the government to “plan well” how to use the large plot of land  currently leased by Macau Yat Yuen Canidrome Co. Ltd for its controversial greyhound races.

The government announced last month that the company will have to shut down its current racetrack within two years. The government also said the operator would need to find another location if it wants to continue greyhound racing.

The outdoor forum was held in Iao Hon focusing on how to use the plot of land after the relocation. About a dozen residents attended the forum.

Vong Kuoc Ieng (centre) talking during yesterday’s forum hosted by local think tank Macau Wisdom Convergence at Iao Hon, while fellow guest speakers Sam Keng Wan (left) and Iu Veng Ion look on. Photos: Ian Sio Tou

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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