MGTO launches ‘Experience Macao, Unlimited’ promotional campaign

2022-04-07 03:10
BY Rui Pastorin

The Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) announced in a statement yesterday the launch of the “Experience Macao, Unlimited” promotional campaign in partnership with various entities and in line with the government’s aim to expand Macau’s visitor sources.

According to the statement, the campaign includes a variety of promotional themes tailored for each month’s events and activities to attract visitors and “invigorate the tourism industry and economy”.

MGTO collected a list of monthly activity plans from government entities, private enterprises and community organisations, to set different themes, the statement noted. Starting this month, MGTO leverages various forms of media to recommend city highlights to visitors and Macau residents, the statement underlined.

The first theme, which launches this month, is “Spring into Arts”, which entails upcoming artistic and cultural events such as the 32nd Macau Arts Festival later this month. In the following month, the statement noted “May there be FUN” will highlight “travel experiences” such as “Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022” and “2022 Macao International Dragon Boat Races”.

June will see the theme “Tasty June”, which the statement said will highlight gastronomic activities including celebrations for the United Nations’ Sustainable Gastronomy Day on June 18. For July and August, the statement added that the theme “Summer Heat is On” promises “fun-filled summer vacations” in Macau.

Other themes are September’s “Autumn Delights”, festivities in “Festive October” to celebrate National Day, “November Formula” for the Macau Grand Prix, and December’s “Dazzling Winter” to showcase light artistry, the statement pointed out.

MGTO continue partnering with different platforms to “maximise the synergy of online-offline promotions”, marking the city as a safe and quality destination through various channels, the statement pointed out.

Further information can be found at The statement emphasised that MGTO is actively paying attention to the pandemic situation and will act in line with the Health Bureau’s (SSM) guidelines. 

This poster provided by the Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) yesterday shows this month’s theme “Spring into Arts” for the Experience Macao, Unlimited promotional campaign.


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