Liaison Office Director Fu Ziying raises 3 points to strengthen Macau's national security system

2022-04-15 16:20
BY admin

Speech by Liaison Office Director Fu Ziying on 7th National Security Day in Macau

Dear Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng and CPPCC National Committee Vice-Chairman Edmund Ho Hau Wah

Dear guests, dear friends

Today is the Seventh National Security Education Day for all. First of all, on behalf of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR), please allow me to express my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the guests for attending the National Security Education Exhibition jointly organized by the Macau Special Administrative Region Government and the Central People’s Government Liaison Office in the MSAR.

The past year has been a landmark year in the history of the Chinese nation. We celebrated the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), won the battle against poverty as scheduled, build a well-off society in an all-round way, achieved the first hundred years of struggle, and started a new journey towards the second hundred years of struggle. The Communist Party of China successfully held the 6th Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee and deliberated and passed the 3rd Historical Resolution of the Communist Party of China, establishing Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the Central Committee of the Party and the core status of the whole party, and establishing Xi Jinping's guiding position of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era. This is of decisive significance to the development of the Party and the country in the new era and to promote the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Under the guidance of the overall concept of national security, our country's national security work has withstood risks and challenges from political, economic, ideological, social and other aspects, and the system and ability to maintain national security have been comprehensively strengthened. The central government has taken a series of measures to both control the situation in Hong Kong to achieve a major turning point from chaos to governance, and to promote Macau society to continue to maintain overall stability.

In the past year, under the leadership of Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng, all sectors of Macau society have united sincerely and moved forward bravely to combat the [COVID-19] epidemic, promote development, and ensure stability. Macau's work in safeguarding national security has made steady progress and achieved obvious results. The MSAR Government has actively promoted supporting legislation for the maintenance of national security, promoted the establishment of national security affairs advisors and national security technical advisors, established full-time institutions for the maintenance of national security, and continuously improved the legal system and implementation mechanism for the maintenance of national security. It has firmly implemented the fundamental principle of “Patriots Governing Macau”, successfully completed the elections of the 7th Legislative Council, and continued to consolidate the social and political foundation of patriotism and love for Macau.

Dear guests, dear friends!

Governance does not forget chaos, and safety does not forget danger. President Xi Jinping has repeatedly warned us that Macau's work should be safe and prevent chaos before it happens. We must adhere to bottom-line thinking, fully implement the overall concept of national security, continue to carry out national security education, and effectively fulfill our constitutional responsibility to maintain national security.

First, we must fully understand the great significance of maintaining national security. President Xi Jinping emphasized that “national security is an important cornerstone of peace and stability.” The stronger the bottom line of national security, the greater the space for “One Country, Two Systems”. National security is related to the prosperity and stability of Macau and the happy life of its residents. It is reflected in all aspects and is closely related to us. We must deeply study and implement President Xi Jinping's important speeches on national security, jointly protect the tranquility of Macau, jointly care for the happiness of residents, and strive to make Macau “one of the safest cities in the world” so that this golden signboard is even more shiny.

Second, we must strengthen the construction of the legal systems and mechanisms for safeguarding national security. Safeguarding national security is an important part of the implementation of the central government's overall jurisdiction. The central government has the fundamental responsibility for Macau's national security affairs, and the MSAR has the constitutional responsibility to maintain national security. We must advance the revision of Macau's "Law on the Maintenance of National Security" in an orderly manner and build a legal system for the maintenance of national security. It is necessary to give full play to the important role of the MSAR in maintaining the National Security Council and the National Security Adviser System. It is necessary to continuously improve the working mechanism of the MSAR to maintain national security.

Third, we must inherit the core values of patriotism and loving Macau. Macau has a good tradition of patriotism and loving Macau, and it has played an exemplary role in safeguarding national security. We must adhere to the principle of “Patriots Governing Macau" and ensure that all those who govern Macao are patriots. This is a fundamental principle related to national sovereignty, security, development interests, and Macau's long-term prosperity and stability. It is necessary to increase publicity and education, promote the core values of patriotism and loving Macao, enhance national awareness, cultivate national sentiment, and spread the spirit of patriotism in Macau, forming a strong positive energy for the whole people to maintain national security.

Dear guests, dear friends!

Only when the country is safe can the family be good, and the country can be prosperous. 

The Liaison Office will firmly fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to it by the Central People’s Government, fully support the work of the MSAR to maintain national security, jointly do its best in national security education, and jointly write a new chapter in the work of safeguarding national security!

I wish the “2022 Macau National Security Education Exhibition for All" a complete success!

Thank you all!

Liaison Office Director Fu Ziying delivered the speech at Macau's China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Commercial and Trade Service Platform Complex in Nam Van this morning.

Translation by The Macau Post Daily

Liaison Director Fu Ziying (front, third from left) visiting the National Security Exhibition for All at Macau's China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Commercial and Trade Service Platform Complex this morning. – Photo: GCS


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