MGTO chief hopes May Day holiday visitors hit 25,000 a day

2022-04-25 03:38
BY Prisca Tang

Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes told reporters yesterday she hopes that during the mainland’s Labour Day Golden Week holiday, Macau’s number of visitor arrivals will surpass the 25,000 people per day barrier.

Senna Fernandes made the remarks on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the Macao Digital Photography Association’s exhibition in Lou Lim Ioc Garden.

Senna Fernandes noted that on Friday and Saturday the number of visitor arrivals hit 22,000 people per day.

She forecast that during the Labour Day Golden Week, visitors will mainly come from the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and elsewhere in Guangdong province, so in the short-term MGTO’s promotion campaigns will target these areas. She pointed out that previously MGTO planned to promote Macau using a caravan in the GBA every week, but she pointed out that Macau government is still discussing the matter with its counterparts in Guangdong. She added that MGTO has also been contacting other provincial governments about organising larger-scale Macau promotional events, but the dates of the events have not been set yet.

According to Senna Fernandes, the “Stay, Dine and See Macao” local tour attracted many participants during the Easter holiday weekend. She said that as more itineraries have been launched recently, MGTO expects to have more participants during the Labour Day weekend.

When a reporter asked about the number of signups for the local tours, Senna Fernandes said that she did not have the exact numbers but she pointed out that the food tour and the boat tour are the most popular. Senna Fernandes said she believed that the drone show tour would prove popular. She also underlined that MGTO has no plans to relaunch the helicopter tour at the moment.

The mainland’s Labour Day Golden Week holiday starts this Saturday and ends next Wednesday. 

Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes talks to reporters yesterday on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the Macao Digital Photography Association’s exhibition in Lou Lim Ioc Garden.
Photo courtesy of TDM


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