MJPA to premiere jazz tunes on Sunday

2022-06-01 03:56
BY William Chan

The Macau Jazz Promotion Association (MJPA) will be premiering three jazz compositions from Singaporean composer Chok Kerong along with other jazz music on Sunday at the Dom Pedro V Theatre, MJPA Chairman Lee Siu Hong and conductor Alex Cheng told The Macau Post Daily in an exclusive interview at the association’s venue in Areia Preta yesterday.

The show’s planned duration is 80 minutes, consisting of two sections. The first section features younger musicians performing in big bands; the latter half features the Macau Jazz Orchestra (MJO) with experienced musicians performing Latin-themed songs, as well as the three new jazz compositions.

Cheng and Lee said that it would be a huge mistake to think that the show would be boring, as the Latin-themed songs are not only easily enjoyable for all kinds of audiences, but the very rhythmic songs provide an exciting sensation that will “boil the blood” of the audience.

World premiere

Lee said that the MJPA was very fortunate to be playing the songs written by famous Singaporean composer Chok Kerong.

Lee noted that “Looking for the Way Back” is a ballad that gives very mellow and nostalgic feelings to the audience; “Gaivota”, meaning seagull in Portuguese, is in contemporary bossa nova style and “Sense of Wonder” is an ECM-style jazz tune that will suit the taste of jazz lovers.

“Even though the MJO has experienced musicians, it is still very challenging for us to play the three songs”, Cheng said, adding: “Especially for the conductor, since there are no past recordings for me as references. I have to imagine and communicate with the composer on how to play the songs beautifully but also be true to the composer.”

Cheng said that he has been enjoying the process of making the songs happen, and he felt that the players also shared the same feeling as him. Nonetheless, Cheng pointed out that the hard work would be meaningless without the audience, and ultimately the purpose of premiering songs is to bring brand-new experiences to them.

Working with young musicians

Cheng also said that it’s enjoyable to teach the youngsters, since he has to creatively think of innovative teaching methods for the kids to absorb the knowledge.

“Our youngest member is still in elementary school, sometimes it is a bit challenging for me to teach the kids,” said Cheng, but then he smiled and continued, “It is really a fantastic experience to help the kids achieve what they think they cannot. At the end of the day, the result was well worth the tiring process.”

Lee said that the MJPA will hold summer classes for teenagers to study jazz, and he welcomes anyone with or without a music foundation to join. The registration period will start in the middle of this month.

Players’ experiences

The Macau Post Daily also interviewed Chan Seng Hei, a saxophonist, and Carol Chin, a singer yesterday to share their experiences. Chan said that he was grateful for the organisation which has  provided the opportunity for the musicians to perform jazz.

“I think jazz can allow musicians to express their own ideas and characteristics in improvisational solos”, Chan said.” That’s why jazz is so fascinating for me.”

Chin said that she felt really excited about the upcoming show. “While the concert hall is historic, the music is very innovative and gives an interesting contrast. I personally like the Latin aesthetic we are going for,” she said, adding that the tune “Summertime” is her favourite because it is a vocally challenging part that gives her a thrill.

Lee noted that the performance will start at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday at the Dom Pedro V Theatre. The show is free of charge and there is free seating as well, on a first-come, first-served basis.

Lee also underlined that the MJPA has monthly performances at the Rui Cunha Foundation (FRC) in Avenida da Praia Grande, and welcomes any music lovers to see their performances. For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/1407976052773322/.

Carol Chin and Chan Seng Hei (front) performs with the Macau Jazz Orchestra last Christmas at the Macau Tower. - Photo provided by MJPA.

Alex Cheng rehearses with the Macau Jazz Orchestra at the venue on Monday. - Photo: William Chan

Lee Siu Hong plays guitar in a monthly MJPA performance at the Rui Cunha Foundation (FRC) last Saturday.
      Photo: William Chan


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