Rui Cunha Gallery showcases ‘METROPOLIS’

2022-06-07 03:42
BY Yuki Lei

A total of 15 monochromatic paintings are being displayed at an exhibition titled “METROPOLIS” by António Duarte Mil-Homens that runs until Saturday at the Rui Cunha Gallery.

According to a recent statement by the Rui Cunha Foundation (FRC), it co-hosts the exhibition with the Consulate-General of Portugal, Instituto Português do Oriente (IPOR), Casa de Portugal em Macau, and the Orient Foundation (FO).

According to the statement, the works record the artist’s footsteps in Macau during his stay here for 15 years. At the same time, the exhibition has become the “endpoint” of his stay in Macau. The works comprise his observations, reflections and expectations about the city’s environment and future, and he used black-and-white paintings to show the changes in Macau, the statement added.

The statement noted that he is a photographer who began his career as a painter only in 2020 when he presented his monochromatic paintings to the Macau public for the first time.

The statement said that after the exhibition Duarte Mil-Homens will move his “Creation Centre” to southern Portugal’s Alentejo region, adding the artist hopes that he can continue to promote interactive communication between different cultures.

The statement pointed out that the exhibition is one of the activities in the programme “JUNHO, MONTH OF PORTUGAL-Celebrations of the 10th of June: Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities”.

Junho is the Portuguese word for June. June 10 is the National Day of Portugal.

The Rui Cunha Gallery is located at 749 Avenida da Praia Grande. It opens daily from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is free.

In line with the Health Bureau’s (SSM) COVID-19 epidemic prevention measure, participants must wear a facemask, undergo a temperature check, present a valid green Macau Health Code, maintain social distancing and follow on-site measures.

Photos: Yuki Lei


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