3 local school bands to showcase global music styles: MBDA

2022-06-15 03:32
BY William Chan

The Macau Band Directors Association (MBDA) will hold a concert by three local schools, themed “exotic wind music travel with youth”, on Saturday at the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM), as one of the concerts of the MBDA’s “23rd Macao Band Fair 2022”.

The three conductors – Leong Pui Long, Kong Kit Man and Hugo Loi – spoke to The Macau Post Daily in an exclusive interview at the association’s venue in Avenida do Almirante Lacerda on Monday.

The concert will be performed by three local school bands, namely Choi Nong Wind Orchestra, Santa Rosa de Lima English Secondary Concert Band, and Pui Ching Symphony Band, conducted by Kong, Leong and Loi respectively.

The conductors said that they are really grateful to be part of a joint performance again since the pandemic, where the students’ music talent will be showcased, and they promised that the music would suit the taste of all kinds of audience members.

Music choices

Leong, who is also the president of the MBDA’s executive committee, told The Macau Post Daily that this year the association chose the theme “exotic wind music travel with youth”, with the ambition to perform different music styles from around the globe. “The ‘Macao Band Fair 2022’ prioritises the promotion of wind music, with the intention of showing the colours of different nations under the [COVID-19] travel restrictions,” said Leong.

Loi said that besides performing two Yoasobi Japanese tunes, he has chosen some classic band compositions with lively rhythmic beats which will not only demonstrate the abilities of his band’s musicians, but also allow the audience to enjoy and understand the acoustics of wind orchestras.

Kong said that his band will focus on performing different tunes from nations far away from Macau, including two European pieces, an Arabian tune and three American compositions to bring different musical sensations to the audience. Leong also noted that they will be performing a Mexican folk song and Slovenian medleys.

The thing about school bands

“The school bands have kids from primary and secondary schools with different musical abilities, sometimes it is hard to find a balance between the two levels”, Leong said, “but I am grateful to see the seniors helping the juniors during the difficult sessions, and I think the school’s togetherness really plays a huge part here.”

Loi agreed with Leong, adding that the amount of preparation for school bands takes more time than other school activities such as choirs. “However, if the musicians perform well together, the satisfaction will be much greater due to the difficulties they encountered in the process. I know it as a fact since I have played in a school band myself”.

Kong added that the school band musicians usually have some friends in the band already, and it makes them much more willing to attend and create something together. Leong concluded that it is necessary to have bands in schools since it teaches students to be responsible and know how to work with others.

The three conductors hope that their efforts could enhance the music level locally. “There are many countries with a great music culture, such as Japan, out there we should learn from, and in my opinion, the school bands contribute to the high level of music in Japanese society,” Loi said.

In contrast Leong underlined that he found promoting music culture to local society to be the main purpose of the school bands. “I hope to see in the future that every Macau citizen can have a chance to experience the joy of playing music.” The three conductors concluded that their mission is to provide musical performances for residents and to cultivate different local artists.

“Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents,” a MBDA statement said.

Leong noted that the performance will start at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday at Macau Cultural Centre (CCM). The tickets cost 50 patacas, and there is free seating as well.

Leong underlined that the MBDA will have more concerts in the Macao Band Fair 2022 this summer, and welcomes any music lovers to attend their performances. For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/100063717219887/.

Conductor Leong Pui Long poses with Santa Rosa de Lima English Secondary Concert Band musicians.

In this undated handout photo Kong Kit Man conducts the Choi Nong Wind Orchestra at the Macau Cultural Centre.

Kong Kit Man performs in his trombone recital on Sunday as part of a series of Macau Band Fair events at the Dom Pedro V Theatre. – Photos provided by MBDA

This undated handout photo shows Hugo Loi conducting Pui Ching Symphony Band on the Pui Ching Middle School campus.

Conductors Leong Pui Long (left), Kong Kit Man (centre) and Hugo Loi talk to The Macau Post Daily on Monday at the MBDA’s venue.


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