COVID-19 watchdog urges wedding banqueteers to come forward

2022-06-24 03:44
BY Rui Pastorin

The government’s Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre yesterday urged participants of a wedding banquet that took place at Grand Lisboa Palace (GLP) last Saturday to take the initiative to “proactively report” their presence at the event via the centre’s online reporting system.

The first case of Macau’s current COVID-19 outbreak was discovered by the local health authorities last Saturday.

The centre, according to the statement, has detected four positive COVID-19 cases in relation to the banquet, which involved around 350 participants and 100 restaurant staff members. The statement noted that as of 1 p.m. yesterday, 150 people had taken the initiative to report their presence at the event through the online system, adding that according to Public Security Police (PSP) investigation data, 292 people at the banquet had been identified before the statement was issued.

Those concerned may report their participation in the banquet via “Enquires and Assistance for COVID-19 Prevention and Control” at by providing their name, telephone number and other necessary information as instructed, the statement pointed out.

The Health Bureau’s (SSM) Centre for Disease Control and Prevention will contact those concerned for quarantine and COVID-19 control measures as soon as possible, according to the statement. 


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