Changing face of reading in the computer age

2016-08-19 07:59
BY admin

It seems as if reading a book is becoming a thing of the past if Macau’s younger generation is anything to go by, newspapers and magazines too for that matter. This situation is probably hard to imagine for the older members of the community, who consider the morning read of the newspapers a ritual.

The Internet, although a mine of information, is no substitute for a good book or a newspaper with the morning coffee before work for most.

However, this does not appear to sit well with the younger generation. MPD Weekender has been talking to a variety of people about their reading habits, during their English classes at this reporter’s home, and was surprised to hear that quite a few teenagers do not read books at all, either a physical book or one downloaded from the Internet and you can forget newspapers as they are all so boring.

Simon Wang Xianmeng shows that he reads both printed and online books in Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga yesterday. Photo: Lesley Wells

Harris Leong relaxing at home reading his book online last night.  Photo provided by Harris Leong

Is this sight the thing of the past? Full bookcases in this reporter’s home. Photo: Lesley Wells

People reading newspapers and magazines at the central library in Praça do Tap Seac yesterday. Photos: MPDG

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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