Health Bureau wrongly reports man’s death

2022-07-04 03:49
BY Yuki Lei

The Health Bureau (SSM) mistakenly reported in a statement on Saturday at 6:28 p.m. that a man had died due to a heart attack after falling over, but  the bureau made a correction in another statement four hours later, affirming that the man is still alive.

According to the first statement, a man, aged about 60, fell in Rua Central near Luen Fa Building at 12 p.m. The statement noted that the man had no heartbeat when he was taken to the public Conde de S. Januário Hospital Centre and died after undergoing treatment at the emergency department. The statement added that he died of a heart attack.

However, the man’s family sent a text message to the media through Lawmaker Ron Lam U Tou, saying that the man is still alive, adding that he was in a coma, but undergoing treatment in hospital. His family said they hoped the bureau and media would remove the wrong statement and related news reports, according to the text message.

At 10:28 p.m. the bureau said in a new statement that after around half an hour’s treatment, the victim’s heartbeat had been restored. The statement added that the man’s situation was still dangerous so he needed to be hospitalised for observation.

According to the revised statement, the bureau apologised to the man’s family, and underlined that every effort would be made to provide appropriate treatment to the patient. 


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