Govt ‘concerned’ about ‘unusual’ prices of cabbage in supermarket

2022-07-11 04:01
BY Yuki Lei

The Consumer Council (CC) and the Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) said in a statement yesterday that they were “highly concerned” about a photo circulating on the internet showing an “unusual” increase in the price of cabbage in a local supermarket, adding that their staff went to the supermarket to follow up on the incident.

The statement quoted the supermarket’s person in charge as saying that due to a staff error, the price unit of the cabbage which should be 1.50 patacas per 100 grammes had been wrongly marked as 15 patacas per 100 grammes.

The statement noted that the council had asked the supermarket to correct the prices immediately, as well as to provide a clarification and an apology to consumers.

Both underlined in the statement that the retail sector, including supermarkets, should ensure accurate and clear pricing at every stage of operations, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

The statement said that the council and the bureau will continue to strengthen inspections to monitor the city’s retail operators, adding that they should conduct their business in good faith and accurately mark the prices of their products.

Both urged the operators not to raise the prices of goods in a way that would affect consumers’ legitimate interests, as otherwise they would face a penalty. 


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