My sister, my friend

2022-07-25 02:56
BY Yuki Lei

People always say that an elder sibling should look after the younger ones, however, is it true? My answer is – maybe, but for me, it is totally wrong. There is a person always taking care of me, cooking for me, chatting with me, shopping with me, doing activities with me……and solving my problems when I encounter difficulties, so up to here, can you guess what our relationship is – a friend or an elder sibling? Actually, this person is my younger sister, who is also an “elder sister” in my mind.

There is only one year age difference between my sister and I, because of which, I had always hated my sister when I was a child because I thought my parents loved her more than me because she is younger than me by just a year. Therefore, I always hurt her when my parents were not at home. And there was a time that I threw a television remote at her, which hit her eyes, after which the single-eyelid on her left eye became a double-eyelid, which we now always laugh about. Although I hurt her a lot at that time, my sister never gets angry with me, she even says “thank you” to me for turning her single-eyelid into a double-eyelid, so she does not need to have any plastic surgery done on it.

After I grew up, I have to say I am glad that I have a sister growing up with me like a friend and also an elder sister to share secrets with each other as friends do, or comfort me when I feel upset as an older sister will do, even though she was encountering the same sad thing with me. In my previous impression before anything happened to both of us, different to my cowardice and impulsiveness, she always looked strong and calm to me, so I always thought she was a person who never cried easily. However, my impression of her changed when I was in the fifth grade of secondary school, when my parents got divorced.

My sister and I studied in the same secondary school, where our subject teacher taught us in separate classes when our parents told us that they were getting divorced. While I cried almost every day, my sister didn’t seem to show any emotion, because of which I thought she did not care about the changed relationship between our parents, or that one of them may move out of our home. Until one day I was asked by our teacher: “What has happened between you and your sister, why are neither of you not paying attention in class?”– At that time, I realised that she was not as strong as I thought. Being an elder sister, I should not share my negative emotions with her, instead, we should cope with the pain together.

Time flies and the person who always stays with me has gone to the mainland for her studies. Under the impact brought by the novel coronavirus, she cannot return to Macau frequently, which means there is less time for us to spend together. Therefore, I start to cherish the time I get to be with her.

Actually, I previously thought that siblings are the ones who always stay with us. However, after my sister left me and went to Guangzhou to continue her learning, I realised that whether a sibling or a friend, we will leave each other one day to chase our own dream or start a new journey, which means we shall never stay together for a whole life. Therefore, we should treasure the time spent with our sibling and friend.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash


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