2 locals hang themselves

2022-07-26 02:47
BY William Chan

A local woman hanged herself in her bedroom yesterday, the Judiciary Police (PJ) said in a statement.

The Judiciary Police said in a separate statement on Sunday that the police earlier that day discovered a local man who had hanged himself.

Local female hangs herself 

The statement identified the deceased female as a 31-year-old surnamed Wong. She lived with her family in a flat in Avenida do Almirante Lacerda.

The statement said that Wong’s family members went out shopping yesterday morning. When they came back in the afternoon, they found Wong had hanged herself with electric wires in her bedroom, the statement said. Her family called the police immediately.

According to the statement, PJ officers confirmed that the marks on Wong’s neck matched the electric wires she had used to hang herself, and she had no injuries that could have been caused by foul play, nor were there any signs of a struggle found at the scene. The statement added that a post-mortem examination will be performed. 

Her family said that Wong appeared to be normal in the morning, the statement said, adding that no suicide note was found at the scene. 

Septuagenarian hangs himself

According to the other statement, the deceased male was a 74-year-old local surnamed Wong. He lived alone in a flat in Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira in San Kio district, the statement added.

According to the statement, Wong’s neighbour reported to the police on Sunday that a foul smell was coming from Wong’s flat. The statement said firefighters arrived at the scene and broke into Wong’s home where they found him hanging in the toilet, with a chair near Wong’s body. 

According to the statement, PJ officers confirmed that the marks on Wong’s neck matched the rope he used to hang himself. The statement added that Wong was believed to have been dead for some time.

No suicide note was found at the scene, the statement said, adding that a post-mortem examination will be performed. 

Three people have hanged themselves in less than a week. 

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