Govt says ‘old & valuable’ tree dies

2022-07-29 03:34
BY Yuki Lei

An “old and valuable” tree on Colina da Ilha Verde has died, according to a statement by the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) yesterday.

The statement said that the bureau has been conducting regular inspections of and protection measures for the trees on the government’s list of the Protection of Old and Valuable Trees, adding a Pterospermum heterophyllum Hance on Colina da Ilha Verde, which was added to the list last year, was recently found to be withering.

“Colina” is Portuguese for “hill”.

According to the statement, the tree was infested with vines and pests. It  had been classified as an endangered plant on the Protection of Old and Valuable Trees list.

The statement noted that the bureau had arranged for regular monthly inspections, removed the vines and treated the ailing tree. The statement added that its owners were also notified by letter to ask them to pay close attention to the tree’s condition and take good care of it.

However, the statement said, the tree eventually withered and died.

The bureau did not release a photo of the tree.

The bureau has drawn up “Guidelines for the Protection of Old and Valuable Trees” as a reference for the owners of old and valuable trees in private places, the statement noted.

According to the statement, people who find any abnormal conditions of old and valuable trees can contact the bureau by calling 2833 7676. 


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