60 temporary collection points for furniture items set up: IAM

2022-08-01 02:38
BY Rui Pastorin

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) said in a statement on Friday that 60 collection points for large unwanted furniture items will be set up in different part of the city from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. from tonight through August 7 every day.

According to the statement, 50 of the collection points are located in Macau, six in Taipa and four in Colone. Signs are placed next to the collection points to enable the public to identify them.

The statement underlined that people should not “casually place the items [unwanted furniture] on public streets” in order not to affect environmental hygiene and obstruct pedestrian and vehicle passages. Moreover, the items should be securely placed to prevent accidents. Improper disposal of rubbish is punishable by a fine, the statement pointed out.

Moreover, the bureau, the statement pointed out, will arrange for cleaning contractors to increase the number of staff and vehicles to collect unwanted furniture items at the collection points and remove all of the items during the night to avoid the accumulation of rubbish.

For the locations, one can visit the IAM Environment Information Webpage www.iam.gov.mo/macaohygiene and WeChat account, scan the QR code on the poster or call 2833 7676 for enquiries. 

This poster provided by the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) on Friday shows the dates of the collection period for large unwanted furniture items and the QR codes for the 60 collection points.


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