Local man with drunk-driving record caught again

2022-08-04 03:25
BY William Chan

Police intercepted on Monday a drunken driver who has a criminal record for the same offence, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Lam Keong said at a press conference yesterday.

Lam identified the suspect as a 34-year-old local male surnamed Lam who told the police that he’s jobless. 

Early on Monday morning, police officers intercepted the suspect’s car in Estrada do Canal dos Patos near the Barrier Gate checkpoint, Lam Keong said, adding that the driver reeked of alcohol and was given a breathalyser test. Lam added that the suspect’s alcohol concentration was 2.72 grammes of alcohol per litre of blood.

According to Lam, the suspect told the police that his girlfriend asked him to go to a bar in Ilha Verde district at 1 a.m. on Monday and he left at 2:30 a.m. 

Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Lam Keong looks on during yesterday’s press conference.
Photo: William Chan


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