Can money buy happiness?

2022-08-08 03:03
BY Rui Pastorin

In college, I was once told a story of a man who had everything he could possibly ever ask for as he was immensely wealthy. People assumed that he lived a happy life with all the money he had, but by the end of the story, the man is revealed to be quite unhappy.  A friend of mine jokingly questioned how a character with all that money can still feel that way, implying that happiness can somehow be bought and sustained with cash. To this, the common and familiar question of whether or not money can buy happiness may come up. Some, like the character in the story exemplified, may say that the pure bliss and positive emotions that are associated with it cannot be bought as happiness supposedly does not have a price or monetary value. Others, meanwhile, may question why money can’t possibly buy happiness. Considering these points, can money actually buy happiness?

Money, in whatever form or currency, is what we use for the purchases of things and services, as well as being part of what enables us to satisfy our needs and wants. For example, food is a necessity and in order to fulfil the basic need to eat, money is also required for purchases regarding it. In terms of wants, money can enable those who have it to buy items and/or experiences that they want and can afford to have in their possession. This could involve material items like the newest Apple product, clothes and even experiences such as a trip or seeing the latest movie. So long as there is enough, money can help in fulfilling these wants. All of these may bring feelings of happiness and bring out the positive emotions associated with it. Some may resonate with US actor Samuel L Jackson, when he said: “Those who say that money can’t buy happiness never had any”.

Although money can undoubtedly enable us to experience some form of happiness, it cannot help in making us entirely or completely happy when looking at it as a sole factor. Happiness from purchases and experiences only comes to a certain extent from the thrill of a new purchase or the prospects of a new trip – which, in my opinion, may only be momentary. Money may not be able to buy the happiness we feel from things like when we are surrounded by the people we love and care about, the companionship that our closest friends may offer, absolute contentment, achievements and overall satisfaction. Money and wealth are things that may only play a part in actually achieving the feeling of happiness. I think my girlfriend put it best when she told me that money may be able to buy the material items, experiences and comfort at various levels, but general and long-term happiness is not something that can ever be bought.

Happiness can come in various forms and can be defined in different ways. It may come when you know you have the resources to take care of basic needs as well as buy things that you might want. However, happiness cannot be bought and money cannot be the sole determinant as to how happy you are or are going to be. 

Photo courtesy of Unsplash.


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