TV show producer reveals highlights of tomorrow’s local pop awards show

2022-08-25 02:17
BY Ginnie Liang

The 19th “TDM – Best of the Pop” organised by public broadcaster TDM will start at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Forum II Studio.

Macau TV show producer Rony Chan Kuok Wai spoke to The Macau Post Daily about the upcoming music awards ceremony via an online interview last week.

This banner taken from TDM’s Facebook page promotes the 19th “TDM - Best of the Pop” awards ceremony.

This photo taken from TDM’s Facebook page shows all the participants from last year’s “ TDM - Best of the Pop” awards ceremony.

With the theme of “Create it! Sing it!”, this year’s 19th “Best of the Pop” edition has generated 77 qualified entries – pop songs, which will be competing for 20 prizes and cash prizes amounting to over 200,000 patacas.

Chan said that apart from promoting music, the awards ceremony will also promote the fashion design component, as it has been noticed that many singers are becoming more conscious of their stage image.

“Visual design has become very important in local singers’ visual presentation in recent years,” Chan said, revealing that this year’s show will open with a special combination of music and a fashion show as a tribute to the efforts of past winners, performers on stage and the designers who create the visual identity for the singers.

In this year’s “ Best of Pop” edition, according to Chan, there are new artists, new voices, songs on new themes such as songs talking about food, some groups promoting sport through music, and there are even local groups making music for dance performers to gain exposure. Among the entries, 22 music videos are competing for the Best MV Award, 26 songs will be performed by singers or bands that are taking part for the first time, with the youngest singer being just 10 years old – all of them highlights that Chan said will be presented in this year’s music awards ceremony. “I can’t believe that music has such a cool role to play,” Chan added.

In terms of local music production quality, Chan said he thinks some songs have reached a satisfactory level. “However, I think songwriters should listen to more pieces from different places, so that they can gain a more global inspiration in their song writing”, Chan said, adding that he believes local musicians have the ability to reach a higher level, “while some of them are still obsessed with songs of the love grunge genre,” Chan noted.

This photo provided by Rony Chan Kuok Wai shows him posing on the stage after last year’s “TDM - Best of the Pop” awards ceremony

This photo provided a fortnight ago by Rony Chan (right) shows him hosting his TV music talk show with Ginnie Liang (centre) as one of the guests.

Chan noted that the internet and social media have made it possible for musicians to listen to a wider range of music, as well as giving local musicians the opportunity to collaborate with musicians from around the world, and Chan said he expected local musicians to draw on the strengths of music from other regions.

The awards ceremony will be broadcast live on TDM TV, radio and multimedia platforms as well as in the mainland, overseas and also on the platforms of partners in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). The winners of “TDM – Best of the Pop” will be nominated to join various mainland and international events on behalf of Macau, aiming to help further promote Macau’s music culture to the world.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ceremony will not be open to the public, but anyone who is interested can watch the awards ceremony on TV via TDM Ou Mun Ch.91, Ou Mun-Macau Ch.96, Macau radio FM 1000.7, or via TDM Facebook livestream on from 8 p.m tomorrow.

*Ginnie will compete as a singer and band vocalist in the event


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