‘Female’ lures 2 schoolboys into sex trap: police

2022-10-17 03:19
BY admin

The Judiciary Police (PJ) last week arrested a 31-year-old local man who pretended to be a female and separately lured two schoolboys into having sex with him in a hotel guestroom on the same day in August, PJ spokesman Leng Kam Lon announced during a special press conference on Friday.

The case came to light after the father of one of the two boys reported the case to the police.

According to Leng, PJ investigations revealed that the man opened an account on a social networking app three years ago and displayed a woman’s photo as the profile photo. Pretending to be a female he used the account to try to lure boys into having sex with him in hotel guestrooms by promising to pay them.

At the time of the press conference the Judiciary Police were still investigating whether other male minors had sex with the suspect.

According to Leng, the suspect surnamed Wong told the police that he works as a salesman. Both victims who had sex with Wong in August are teenagers. Leng did not reveal their exact age.

Both victims told the police that they did not know that Wong is a man when they were having sex with him and even afterwards.

The first boy went to a hotel guestroom in the city centre at around 3 p.m. on August 22 after having been told by Wong to go there on the social networking app, Leng said.

Suspect covers boys’ eyes with towel

When the boy arrived outside the guestroom and rang the bell, Wong told the boy on the app to wait with his back to the door, according to Leng. Wong opened the door, covered the boy’s eyes with a towel from behind, and led him into the room, Leng said.

According to Leng, Wong had sex with the boy whose eyes were covered with the towel. After around 10 minutes, the boy left the guestroom, Leng said.

After returning to his home, the boy’s penis was sore and he told his father about the incident, Leng said. Two days later, i.e., August 24, the father took his son to the PJ headquarters to report the case.

After scrutinising the hotel’s CCTV footage, PJ officers found that another male minor went to the same guestroom at around 5 p.m. on the same day, Leng said, adding that Wong led the other boy into the guestroom using the same modus operandi. That boy left the room after around 20 minutes.

According to Leng, PJ officers identified Wong as the man who lured the two boys into the guestroom on August 22, while they also contacted the second boy, who told the police that Wong had enticed him on the social networking app to have sex with him in the guestroom by promising to give him several thousands of patacas. However, Leng said, the second boy told the police he had not received any money from Wong after having sex with him on August 22.

However, Leng said, the first boy told the police that Wong did not offer him any money when persuading him to have sex with him.

Only after the police told them did the two boys realise that Wong is a man.

According to Leng, Wong was intercepted by PSP officers at the Barrier Gate border checkpoint on Thursday when he was returning to Macau from the mainland, after which he was transferred to the Judiciary Police.

Leng said that under questioning by the police, Wong admitted to having had sex with the two boys although he knew that both were still minors.

Leng said that PJ officers were still investigating whether any other victims had been enticed by Wong to have sex with him.

The Judiciary Police have transferred the case to the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) for follow-up action.

Wong has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) for further questioning, facing charges of sex with a minor aged at least 14 but under 16, commercial sex with a minor aged at least 14 but under 18, and causing bodily harm. 

Judiciary Police (PJ) officers escort the hooded suspect outside the PJ headquarters in Zape on Friday. – Photo courtesy of TDM


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