Over 80 pct of students have goals & aspirations: survey

2022-11-30 03:45
BY Yuki Lei

The findings of a survey jointly conducted by the General Association of Chinese Students of Macao (AECM) and the Macau Youth Research Association show that 87 percent of 1,146 local high school students have aspirations and goals.

The findings also show that among the 87 percent, about 29 percent said that they have “definite goals”, while around 58 percent have “preliminary aspirations”.

The General Association of Chinese Students of Macao hosted a press conference yesterday at its headquarters on the ninth floor of Wa Long Industrial Building on Avenida do Almirante Lacerda to present the findings of the “Macau Middle School Student Aspirations Survey 2022”.

The survey, which was funded by the public Macau Foundation (FM), was carried out between September 27 and October 18 when 1,146 valid questionnaires were collected from local secondary school students, aiming to provide data, opinions and suggestions about students’ aspirations and confidence in the government, associations and parents.

Representatives of the General Association of Chinese Students of Macao said at the press conference the aim of the survey was to promote local high school students’ healthy growth and development.

According to the findings, among those who said they have aspirations, about 40 percent pointed out that they have career-related goals, but most of them do not think that their knowledge and skills are enough to help them reach their goals, indicating that there is still a great need for career planning counselling services in Macau.

In the process of creating one’s aspirations, 938 respondents said they would make a choice based on their own interests and hobbies, followed by civil society’s needs, while 467 respondents chose “determination” as the top condition for fulfilling their goals, followed by “opportunities”, the findings noted, which also pointed out that in the process of fulfilling one’s aspirations and goals, most of the respondents cited a lack of “professional knowledge and skills”.

On the way to realise their goals, according to the findings, the respondents said they would give priority to consulting their preferred sector’s incumbents, friends or classmates and relatives. The findings showed that many respondents wrote “Internet” or “netizens” in the survey’s “other options” category when asked about their preferences for achieving their goals indicating that students rarely contact a career consultant about their plans.

AECM 61st Executive Committee President Candy Un Su Kei said during the press conference that Macau should attach more importance to middle-school students’ aspirations, guide students to “discover” their aspirations and understand the importance of coming up with goals and the significance and value of the process of pursuing aspirations.

Un also said that schools, other education institutions and relevant associations should enhance the promotion of career planning to help students explore their goals and create a good external environment for the realisation of their aspirations, so as to help them create and plan their goals. 

General Association of Chinese Students of Macao’s (AECM) 61st Executive Committee President Candy Un Su Kei (left), Career Counselling Director Victor Hoi Chin Lei present the findings of a survey about local high school students’ aspirations at the AECM headquarters on Avenida do Almirante Lacerda yesterday. – Photo: Yuki Lei


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