Macau reports 5 more COVID-19 cases linked to cabbie cluster

2022-12-02 04:16
BY Tony Wong

Macau yesterday announced five more COVID-19 cases related to the current cluster that started with a 74-year-old taxi driver on Monday.

The five cases were announced in statements yesterday from the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre.

All five COVID-19 patients or carriers were detected when they were undergoing quarantine, the centre said.

Meanwhile, the centre also announced yesterday that two residential buildings where two COVID-19 carriers whose infections were announced on Wednesday live have been listed as Red Code Zones, meaning that the two buildings have been locked down, namely 1) Vang Son Building on Calçada das Verdades, which is located near Mount Fortress, and 2) Tim Yee Building on Calçada Central de S. Lázaro, which is located near the San Tong Kei restaurant that had been visited by the 74-year-old cabbie and many of the cluster.

San Tong Kei is located near the cabbie’s home in Kuan Wai Building on Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral.

The first of the five cases announced yesterday is a 54-year-old local man who works as an instructor tasked with training security guards at the local airport. The man was transferred to quarantine on Tuesday afternoon after he had been identified as having visited a restaurant, San Kei Seafood Restaurant on Rua de Abreu Nunes, that had also been visited by the 74-year-old cabbie at the same time.

According to yesterday’s announcement, the 54-year-old man came down with a sore throat on Wednesday, and tested positive for COVID-19 in a nucleic acid test (NAT) that night.

The second case announced yesterday is a 37-year-old female non-resident worker from the mainland who works at San Tong Kei. She was transferred to quarantine on Monday afternoon following the cabbie’s COVID-19 detection that morning. The woman came down with a sore throat on Wednesday, and tested positive for COVID-19 in a nucleic acid test that night.

The third case announced yesterday is a 64-year-old local man, a retiree, who had also visited the San Tong Kei restaurant. The man was transferred to medical observation at a quarantine hotel on Monday night. However, yesterday’s announcement said, the man left the quarantine hotel on Wednesday after testing negative for COVID-19 in a nucleic acid test on three consecutive days.

After leaving the quarantine hotel, the 64-year-old man returned to his home, Tim Yee Building on Calçada Central de S. Lázaro, by taxi. However, yesterday’s announcement said, Tim Yee Building was listed as a Red Code Zone on Wednesday following the COVID-19 detection of a resident living there, after which the 64-year-old had stayed at his home for another quarantine in. The man tested positive for COVID-19 in a nucleic acid test yesterday. Yesterday’s announcement also said that the man suffered a cough and fatigue on Tuesday.

The fourth case announced yesterday is also a 64-year-old local man, who also works as a taxi driver. The man started quarantine on Wednesday morning after his 62-year-old wife, whose COVID-19 infection was announced on Wednesday, were diagnosed with the disease. The man tested positive for COVID-19 in a nucleic acid yesterday. He had not come down with any COVID-19 symptoms as of last night.

The couple live in Vang Son Building on Calçada das Verdades, which has meanwhile been locked down.

The fifth case announced yesterday is an 80-year-old local man, a retiree, who lives in Vang Son Building. After the building was locked down on Wednesday afternoon, yesterday’s announcement said, the man tested negative for COVID-19 in a nucleic acid test at his home that day. However, he tested positive yesterday. He had not come down with any COVID-19 symptoms as of last night. 


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