Ill woman burns paper charms, torches AC condensers

2023-01-10 03:01
BY William Chan

A local woman was arrested for burning paper charms (符) which accidentally set two neighbours’ outdoor aircon (AC) condensers on fire, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chan Wun Man said during a regular press conference yesterday.

Chan identified the suspect as a 62-year-old doorwoman surnamed Wong.

According to Chan, police on Sunday received a report from the Fire Services Bureau (CB) earlier that day that two outdoor AC condensers in Tamagnini Barbosa Block C near the Barrier Gate checkpoint had caught fire, which the firefighters considered suspicious.

Police who arrived at the scene found that the fan and the shell of an AC condenser on the 18th floor were burnt, while a plastic board, potted plants, sun screens and pipes as well as an AC condenser were burnt in a flat on the 22nd floor. The residents of the affected flats told the police that the repairs would cost 9,000 patacas and 30,000 patacas respectively.

According to Chan, the police assume that the fire was caused by flaming papers thrown by Wong who lives on the 23rd floor, where she was arrested on Sunday. She admitted the wrongdoing and told the police that she had the habit of burning paper charms whenever she felt ill, adding that she sometimes would throw blazing pieces of paper out of the window without extinguishing them first.

Wong has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing an arson charge, Chan said. 

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chan Wun Man looks on during yesterday’s regular press conference. – Photo: Yuki Lei


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