3 exhibitions present 20 works at ex-cattle stable

2023-03-23 03:32
BY Rui Pastorin

The Ox Warehouse art group is presenting over 20 videos and installations across three exhibitions at the Former Municipal Cattle Stable, which is located at the junction of Avenida do Coronel Mesquita and Avenida Almirante Lacerda.

The three exhibitions are “3+0/0+0 Artist-in-Residence Programme: Drifting Anchor Point – Vocabulary and Objects about Macao”, “2+0/1+1 Artist-in-Residence Programme: Oriental Film Society”, and Macau International Performance Art Festival (MIPAF) 2022.

According to a recent Ox Warehouse statement, Drifting Anchor Point is Chen Ansi’s (陳安斯) first solo exhibition in Macau while pursuing her doctoral degree in the city. It presents her new work, having lived in Macau since last August.

With a journey spanning from Chaozhou, Dongguan, Guangzhou and Belgium to Macau, the statement noted that all of the things she was familiar with have “undergone symbolic or substantial changes in new environments, facilitating her to extend, collect and sort out the customary social representations and cultural symbols”, scattering “anchor points” when everything evolves from unfamiliarity to familiarity.

Meanwhile, “Oriental Film Society” shows Zhang Zhaoying’s attempts at, and exploration of experimental theatre in recent years. Zhang, the statement added, uses multimedia art such as paintings and videos, to record his “circumstances” over the last few years.

Zhang seems to have become a “voyager” discovering “new continents”, the statement said, as he travelled to and from Macau, Guangdong, Chongqing and Shanghai. He therefore adopted the concept of “navigation” to create a “cultural theatre”. The statement noted that he uses “the complexity of local elements to make playful analogies about geographical and social issues”.

Meanwhile, the MIPAF has been among Ox Warehouse’s major projects since 2005, and is an “exchange platform of performance art” between Macau and other parts of the world, inviting artists from different places to visit the city for exchanges and performances every year.

This year, themed “Body Ballade”, it has 15 artists from Canada, France, Malaysia/Sweden, the US, the mainland, Macau, and Taiwan.

Moreover, the festival as a whole comprises three sections, which are an online exhibition that was held in December, live performances in January, and the current exhibition, the statement said.

The exhibitions run until March 30 and the venue is open from 10 p.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is free. More details can be found on Ox Warehouse’s Facebook page or @oxwarehousemo on Instagram. Enquiries can be made by contacting oxwarehouse@gmail.com

Photos taken yesterday by Rui Pastorin


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