Local man steals jacket from arborist 

2023-03-24 03:03
BY William Chan

A local man has been arrested after stealing a jacket from an arborist, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Cheong Heon Fan said during a regular press conference on Wednesday.

The 65-year-old suspect surnamed Tam told the police that he’s jobless.

According to Cheong, when the victim was trimming trees on Rua do Terminal Marítimo in Zape on Friday, he hung his jacket on a railing nearby. Tam then stole the victim’s jacket. 

After the victim realised his jacket, containing 300 patacas and a smart phone, had been stolen, he reported the case to the police, estimating a loss of 8,300 patacas.

Tam was arrested when he attempted to leave Macau through the Barrier Gate checkpoint on Saturday, during which police officers seized the stolen phone he had on him.

Under questioning, Tam admitted to stealing the jacket out of greed, adding that he was planning to sell the phone.

According to Cheong, Tam has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) where he’s facing a theft charge. 

This undated handout photo provided by the Public Security Police (PSP) on Wednesday shows the local suspect being escorted by PSP officers to a police station.


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