Ho raises 4 points to support high-quality development of In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin

2023-03-24 03:10
BY admin

Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng raised yesterday four points of aspiration regarding the high-quality development of the Guangdong-Macau In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, the Macau Government Information Bureau (GCS) said in a statement.

The zone’s Administrative Committee yesterday held in Macau at the Forum Macao complex its fifth meeting, which was co-chaired by the body’s two directors – Ho and Guangdong Governor Wang Weizhong.

After the meeting, several cooperation agreements were signed covering a raft of key projects regarding the zone’s development in areas such as financial services, biotechnology, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and electrical insulating materials.

Addressing the meeting of the Administrative Committee, Ho said that thanks to the care shown by, and support of, President Xi Jinping and the central authorities, Guangdong and Macau have accomplished fruitful results in terms of promoting the zone’s development around the “one main line” principle and its key task, covering industrial development, integration of projects relating to people’s livelihoods, and convergence of rules and regulations, according to the statement. 

Ho was quoted as saying that during his duty visit to Beijing last December, Xi gave him important guidance regarding the need for Macau to seize the valuable opportunities arising from the zone’s development, which has vast prospects. 

Yesterday’s meeting was conducive to plan the next steps for advancing the zone’s development and for grasping the fresh opportunities arising from it, in order fully to implement Xi’s instructions, and to realise further achievements.

The first point of aspiration shared by Ho was the need to hold firmly to the main task regarding the zone’s development by ensuring that it is of high quality, while accomplishing the goals and tasks set for the first stage. Ho called for further efforts to implement fully the “three major projects” and to strengthen the “three supports”, and to strive for new progress in various areas, the statement said. 

The second of Ho’s four points was the need to focus on the most important areas and tasks, in order to achieve landmark results before the end of the year. Work to implement a policy regarding a “first-tier” relatively-relaxed form of customs control, and a “second-tier” stricter form of customs control should be expedited. Further efforts should also be made to ensure high-quality construction of the Macau New Neighbourhood (MNN) project in Hengqin; increase supply of housing units to meet the needs of talented people that will live and work in the zone; and attract investments for the key industries planned for the zone, according to the statement. 

The third point outlined by Ho was the need to implement favourable policies planned for the zone. Since the beginning of this year, a host of preferential policies have been introduced, including the Regulations for Promoting Development of the Guangdong-Macau In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin; “30 articles relating to financial support”; and “20 articles for customs affairs”. Ho called for further efforts to realise these policies in order to share the benefits of the zone’s development with the community.

The fourth point shared by Ho was the need to fully understand the key points regarding innovation of regulatory systems and mechanisms, and step up efforts to optimise the mechanism for shared growth through discussion and collaboration.

Development of the Cooperation Zone is essential for the future of Macau, Ho said. He reaffirmed the need to adhere to the “one main line”, the four strategic positionings and the four major tasks outlined for the zone, to ensure high-quality development.

Addressing the meeting, Wang said that with guidance from, and the support of, the central authorities, Guangdong and Macau have implemented the policies outlined in the Master Plan of the Development of the Guangdong-Macau In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, and worked diligently to realise a number of favourable policies. There have been fresh achievements regarding the zone’s development, the statement quoted Wang as saying. 

Wang shares 5 aspirations 

Wang also shared five aspirations for advancing the zone. First, concentrate efforts to implement a “tier-specific” management policy, and strive to complete the major supportive initiatives outlined in the Master Plan. Second, press ahead with development of the key industries and the construction of major related platforms. Third, expedite work to ensure completion by the end of the current year of the Macau New Neighbourhood project, accommodating infrastructure relating to people’s well-being, with a view to develop the zone with characteristics similar to those of Macau. Fourth, adhere to the principle of “mutual discussion, joint construction, joint administration and shared benefits”, and optimise operating and management mechanisms within the zone. Fifth, assume a problem-based approach to overcome challenges.

All these efforts were of significant importance to achieve landmark results in the development of the zone, and in turn, help Macau better integrate into the overall national development effort, Wang said. 

According to the statement, officials attending the meeting included the Administrative Committee’s Executive Deputy Director-cum-Secretary for Administration and Justice André Cheong Weng Chon, as well as the Administrative Committee’s Deputy Director and leading officials of the Guangdong provincial government Zhang Hu and Zhang Xin. 

Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng (right) and Guangdong Governor Wang Weizhong shake hands during yesterday’s meeting of the Administrative Committee of the Guangdong-Macau In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, at the Forum Macao complex yesterday. Ho and Wang co-chair the committee. – Photo: GCS


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