62 ex-convicts join job scheme last year: IAS

2023-03-27 02:55
BY Yuki Lei

Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) Acting Director Hoi Va Pou told reporters on the sidelines of Saturday’s “Integrating Care and Love in Rehabilitation” event that 62 people took part in the bureau’s employment scheme for ex-convicts last year, with a successful employment rate of nearly 47 percent, adding that most of them are mainly working in the catering and logistics sectors.

Hoi pointed out that small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have provided many employment opportunities for rehabilitated persons over the years. The local community is now tolerant and accepting of ex-convicts, she added.

According to Hoi, there are currently 37 SMEs participating in the bureau’s Caring Employer Programme.

Hoi said in a speech during the event that in order to enhance support for rehabilitated persons, the bureau will continue to cooperate with all walks of life to continuously develop family, community and special services.

The one-day event, which was co-hosted by the Social Welfare Bureau and the Macau Correctional Services Bureau (DSC), in conjunction with Caritas Macau and eight social service organisations, in Iao Hon Market Park with a number of game booths and performances, aimed to promote the message of assisting rehabilitated persons in reintegrating into the community, while also raising public concern and support for social reintegration.

DSC Director Cheng Fong Meng said in a speech on Saturday he understood that ex-convicts might be afraid of remaining disconnected from the community and being labelled because of their past situation, but, Cheng was quick to add he believed that the successful reintegration of rehabilitated persons into the community depended not only on their own efforts and the support of their families, but also on the opportunities, acceptance and help from the community, all of which would “effectively” promote their progress towards a new life.

Cheng underlined that his bureau will continue to organise various community activities to promote correctional work and the spirit of caring and sharing, and to assist prisoners and juvenile detainees in their rehabilitation.

According to Un Chi Hoi, a service director of Caritas Macau, his organisation will cooperate with the Social Welfare Bureau in launching the “Support Programme for Friends of Macau” this year to extend social rehabilitation services to the Greater Bay Area (GBA), aiming to provide more support to rehabilitated persons for new opportunities for them. 

Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) acting director Hoi Va Pou (left) and Macau Correctional Services Bureau (DSC) Cheng Fong Meng deliver their respective speeches during Saturday’s event Iao Hon Market Park. – Photo combination courtesy of TDM


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