Govt, group to host 9 months of events marking Basic Law’s 30th anniversary

2023-03-30 03:02
BY Yuki Lei

Li Hongzhong to attend commemorative conference tomorrow

Legal Affairs Bureau (DSAJ) Acting Director Lou Soi Cheong announced yesterday that his bureau, in conjunction with the Macau Basic Law Promotion Association (ADLBM), Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ), and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) Administrative Committee, will jointly launch between tomorrow and November a string of events marking the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the Macau Basic Law.

Lou made the remarks during a press conference at his bureau in Nape, which was also addressed by ADLBM Secretary-cum-Vice President Ho Sio Kam, DSEDJ Deputy Director Wong Ka Ki, and Lam Sio Un, a member of the IAM Administrative Committee.

Macau’s highest law, which was passed by the National People’s Congress (NPC) on March 31, 1993, and promulgated by the nation’s then-president Jiang Zemin in Beijing later that day, took effect on December 20, 1999, when the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR), which succeeded the city’s temporary Portuguese administration, was established.

According to the press conference, the nine-month multi-media campaign includes seminars, the issuing of commemorative stamps, training courses, commemorative exhibitions and Fun Family Days for Basic Law Popularisation, aiming to deepen the community’s understanding of the Basic Law, accurately understand the principle of “One Country, Two Systems” and enhance the sense of national identity.

Li Hongzhong, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, will attend a conference commemorating the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law of the MSAR of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) starting at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Economic and Trade Service Platform Complex in Nam Van, Lou noted.

Lou pointed out that a budget of over three million patacas has been earmarked for the campaign. He also said that with this year’s events to be held both online and offline, more people were expected to take part in the events than in previous years, adding that the events will be aimed at different segments of civil society so that more residents will be able to get to know and understand the Basic Law.

According to a statement handed out by the bureau after the press conference, a commemorative exhibition will be held at the Macau Science Centre for two consecutive months starting this coming Sunday, with more than 350 photos presenting Macau’s “great changes” in the past 180 years in the form of multimedia interaction. Tour exhibitions will be held in eight locations across the city to promote the Basic Law in the community, the statement said, adding that members of the Macau Lawyers Association (AAM) will provide legal consultation services to residents on Sundays at the exhibition sites.

Meanwhile, Ho said in a speech yesterday that during the over two decades since Macau’s return to the motherland on December 20, 1999, under the guidance and with the support of the central government, and with the concerted efforts of the local government and all sectors of society, Macau has achieved substantial development and fruitful results, fully embodying the strong superiority and vitality of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle. She added that the nation’s Constitution and the Macau Basic Law together form the MSAR’s constitutional foundations.

Ho underlined that the successful practice of “One Country, Two Systems” in Macau cannot be achieved without the solid institutional guarantees provided by the Constitution and the Basic Law. 

Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) Deputy Director Wong Ka Ki (from left to right), Macau Basic Law Promotion Association (ADLBM) Secretary-cum-Vice President Ho Sio Kam, Legal Affairs Bureau (DSAJ) Acting Director Lou Soi Cheong and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) Administrative Committee member Lam Sio Un pose during yesterday’s press conference at a DSAJ office in Nape. – Photo: Yuki Lei


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