Police report 2 dead-body-found cases yesterday

2023-04-28 03:00
BY Yuki Lei

The Judiciary Police (PJ) reported yesterday in separate statements two cases classified as dead body found, of which the exact causes of death have yet to be determined by forensic examination.

Male corpse found in hotel guestroom

A PJ statement said that they were notified by the Fire Services Bureau (CB) at 10:45 p.m. on Wednesday that ​​a male corpse was found lying on the bed of a hotel guestroom in Cotai.

According to the statement, the 43-year-old victim is a Hong Kong resident.

The hotel staff told the police that as the victim did not check out on time that day, they went with a security guard to ascertain the situation in the guestroom at 10:29 p.m. that day, where they found that the door was locked on the inside, and there was a foul smell coming from the room, so the security guard forced the door open with tools, the statement said, pointing out that PJ officers investigating the scene did not find any evidence of foul play.

The statement pointed out that a variety of hospital-prescribed medicines were found in the victim’s backpack.

A preliminary examination of the body showed that the man had been dead for some time, according to the statement, which said that ​​no suspicious or criminal injuries were found on the deceased.

Man dies after ‘falling from height’

Meanwhile, according to a separate PJ statement, the Judiciary Police received a report from the Public Security Police (PSP) at 8:50 a.m. yesterday that a local man, who “had fallen from a height”, was rushed to the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre for emergency treatment.

The victim was certified dead later in the day, the statement added.

The statement pointed out that the 52-year-old victim was unresponsive when PSP officers on patrol found him lying near a Light Rail Transit (LRT) station on ​​Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança.

According to an examination of the body, the statement added, the deceased sustained multiple abrasions, which were consistent to those suffered when “falling from a height”. 


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