8 mainlanders nabbed over casino brawl

2023-05-03 03:09
BY William Chan

Eight male and female mainlanders were arrested on Monday for a free-for-all in a casino in Cotai, the Judiciary Police (PJ) said in a statement.

Local media reports identified the casino as Galaxy Macau.

According to the statement, the fight broke out at 1:45 a.m. on Monday, pointing out that the on-site police patrol responded quickly after receiving the report.

The statement said that two gamblers got into a verbal argument over banker and player betting, and several friends of the gamblers joined in the dispute, leading to a physical altercation. During the incident, several security guards intervened and separated the individuals, after which police officers arrived at the scene promptly to halt the fight.

One suspect sustained minor injuries and was taken to the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre, the statement said, adding that he has since been discharged. 


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