Banned driver speeds away from roadblock: police

2023-05-25 03:06
BY William Chan

A local man banned from driving was arrested for disobedience after speeding away from a roadblock, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Cheong Heon Fan said during a press conference yesterday.

The 28-year-old suspect surnamed Iong told the police that he’s a salesperson.

According to Cheong, on Sunday at around 9 p.m. police officers at a police roadblock intercepted a car near Alameda Dr Carlos d’Assumpção. The officers asked Iong to open his window, but he ignored the request and sped away from the scene.

Iong was later arrested in his flat in Fai Chi Kei district. Under questioning, Ng admitted driving with a suspended licence and said that he sped away since he was afraid of getting caught. Cheong said that his licence had been suspended in 2021 for a drunk-driving offence.

Iong has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing an aggravated disobedience charge, Cheong said. 

Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Cheong Heon Fan looks on during yesterday’s regular press conference. – Photo: William Chan


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