Portofino offers a different taste of Italy with Abruzzo cuisine

2016-10-28 07:58
BY admin

Portofino restaurant in the Venetian is offering diners a different taste of Italy with a special menu featuring the cuisine of Abruzzo, one of Italy’s best-kept secrets and a little-known treasure trove of Italian gastronomy.

A picturesque Mediterranean coastal province where the mountains and sea meet, the special menu is a creation by Portofino’s Senior Chef and Abruzzo native, Domenico Cicchetti, who was taught to cook the region’s rich and hearty food by his grandmother while  a boy.

Abruzzo offers wholesome rustic dishes that are richly seasoned with chilli pepper, fragrant saffron, olive oil, wine, garlic and rosemary, all brought in directly from Italy.

Portofino’s Senior Chef Domenico Cicchetti shows a “Chitarrina con polpettine after demonstrating how the chitarra is made with a wooden box attached with strings. Photo: Monica Leong


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