Police nab 2 for drunk driving

2023-07-04 03:44
BY William Chan

Two local men have been separately arrested for drunk driving, one of them for a hit-and-run offence as well, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Cheong Heon Fan said during a regular press conference yesterday.

Lam identified the suspect in the first case as a 57-year-old man surnamed Lok in his forties. He told the police that he’s jobless.

According to Cheong, the police received a report of a traffic accident on Thursday at 11 p.m. involving a collision of two motorcycles at the junction of Rua de Corte Real and Rua de Espectação de Almeida. Upon arrival, police officers found that Lok, who was one of the riders, reeking of alcohol, and a breathalyser test detected his alcohol concentration as 2.27 grammes of alcohol per litre of blood.

Lok, the other male rider and a female passenger of the other motorcycle sustained injuries and were taken to a hospital. Cheong added that all of them have meanwhile been discharged.

Under questioning, Lok admitted that he had been drinking earlier. Cheong noted that the accident was caused by Lok failing to give way to the other rider.

Cheong identified the suspect in the second drunk driving case as a 27-year-old man surnamed Leong who works as a driver.

Cheong pointed out that the police received a report of debris scattered on Sai Van Bridge on Thursday morning. Police officers who arrived at the scene found that an aluminium construction plate had been damaged, and fragments of a car’s bumper were on the roadway.

After reviewing the bridge’s surveillance footage, the police soon found the car involved parked on Avenida do Oceano with the driver, Leong, in the car, and a breathalyser test detected his alcohol concentration as 1.74 grammes of alcohol per litre of blood.

Under questioning, Leong confessed that his vehicle had collided with the aluminium plate on the bridge. He also claimed that he was unsure of how to handle the situation, which led him to leave the scene and eventually stop in Taipa.

Leong and Lok have been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing drunk-driving charges, Cheong said, adding that Leong also faces a charge of evading responsibility due to his hit-and-run offence, while Lok also faces a charge of causing bodily harm. 

Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Cheong Heon Fan looks on during yesterday’s regular press conference.
– Photo: William Chan


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