Letterbox set on fire: police

2023-07-18 02:30
BY William Chan

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokeswoman Lei Hon Nei said in a statement that the police received a report from the Fire Services Bureau (CB) yesterday that a letterbox on the ground floor of a residential building on Travessa de Dom Quixote had been set on fire on Sunday.

According to the statement, a resident reported to the police on Sunday at around 8 p.m. that burning paper had been pushed into his father-in-law’s letterbox in his residential building, which a neighbour soon extinguished by pouring water into the box.

The resident told the police that earlier that day when he was leaving the building, he saw a man smoking downstairs and they got into an argument. The resident suspected that the incident was a retaliatory act by the smoker.

No one was injured in the incident, and no one had reported property damage. The resident expressed their intention to take legal action against the smoker. 

The case has been transferred to the arson section of the Judiciary Police. 


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