Septuagenarian scammed 200,000 patacas

2023-07-26 05:06
BY William Chan

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chong Kam Leong said during a regular press conference on Monday that a local woman in her seventies fell for a “guess who I am” scam, resulting in a loss of 200,000 patacas.

According to Chong, the victim received a message last Wednesday from a man who sounded like her renovation worker asking the victim to contact him on a messaging app.  The victim subsequently received three messages from the caller requesting to borrow money.

The victim transferred a total of 200,000 patacas to the designated account of the fraudster without suspecting anything. The scammer later demanded another 200,000 patacas from the victim, who finally became suspicious and contacted her actual renovation worker. She discovered that she had been deceived, and reported the case to the police. 


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