IAM treats ailing trees at Three Lamps

2023-08-07 02:58
BY Yuki Lei

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) said in a statement on Friday that it has been treating two ailing trees in the sitting-out area of Rotunda de Carlos da Maia (popularly known as “Three Lamps”).

During its recent tree inspection of the sitting-out area at the roundabout, according to the statement, IAM arborists discovered that the bark of two Syzygium jambos trees there had shrunk, with their necrosis being expanded and trunk xylem being exposed. The statement added that in addition to dry cracks, the leaves on the crown of the trees have also turned yellow and withered.

Xylem is the vascular tissue in land plants primarily responsible for the distribution of water and minerals taken up by the roots.

Syzygium jambos, a large shrub or small-to-medium-sized tree, typically three to 15 metres high, with a tendency to low branching, is a species of rose apple originating in Southeast Asia and occurring widely elsewhere, having been introduced as an ornamental and fruit tree, according to Wikipedia.

The statement noted that although the arborists have administered medical treatment to the trees, in view of the safety risks in their structure, thinning of the canopy will be adopted to reduce their weight and wind area.

In the statement, the bureau promised to continuously monitor any changes in the two trees, while urging the public to beware of the future thinning work. 

Two women rest near one of the two ailing Syzygium jambos trees in the sitting-out area of Rotunda de Carlos da Maia, popularly known as “Three Lamps”, yesterday. – Photo: Yuki Lei


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