Unconventional sounds, visuals mesmerise at contemporary music gig

2023-08-15 02:48
BY admin

Review by William Chan

        The Macao Alternative Music Festival 2023 presented the contemporary music show “Between the Space” on Sunday at the 20Hz Art Lab in Fai Chi Kei district.

The opening act of the performance transported the audience to the heart of a small, dim room where four loudspeakers were strategically placed to face us. Once settled, these loudspeakers began to emit various frequencies and volumes of percussive sounds. High frequencies evoked the sensation of being adjacent to a running washing machine, while slower, more rhythmic beats mirrored the echoes of multiple basketballs bouncing on a court.

While this experience may not be considered “enjoyable” in a conventional sense, I found intrigue in identifying real-world sound resemblances. At the performance’s zenith, I could envision myself in a laundry room, surrounded by an orchestra of humming washing machines.

The subsequent act featured three performers manipulating lights to a specific rhythm, turning them on and off. However, this element of the show proved forgettable, save for the thrilling anticipation of a potential jumpscare* each time the lights were extinguished in unison.

Opening the third act, a pianist poured water onto a spinning metal plate, generating a continuous splashing noise. The sound humorously reminded me of a male public restroom equipped with metal urinals. The pianist then scraped her fingernails across the piano strings, producing a grating sound. Coupled with dissonant chords and visual oddities, this created an unsettling ambience for the audience.

The final act showcased the same trio as percussionists, using chopsticks to strike everyday objects like bowls, plates, and cans. The skilful rhythm reminded me of childhood innocence—striking kitchenware and believing our impromptu performances were just as professional. The show concluded with the performers toasting and drinking from their water-filled cups.

The Macau Post Daily published an interview with the composer of the show, Lam Lai Keng, last Wednesday. The festival, co-organised by the Macao Contemporary Music Association (MCMA) and Guia Experimental, is slated to last until late September. For more information, visit: facebook.com/100076235677156 

*The technique, typically used in horror films and video games, of having something occur suddenly and without warning to frighten the audience. – Source: Wiktionary

Three performers switch lights on and off during Sunday’s show at 20Hz Art Lab.
– Photo: William Chan


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