Local govt slams ‘defaming’ EU report on Macau

2023-08-21 03:42
BY admin

The local government issued a strongly-worded statement on Saturday in which it rejected the “defaming” claims made by the European Union in its so-called annual report on the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) issued by Brussels earlier last week.

An English-language statement issued by the Macau Government Information Bureau (GCS) said that “the report blatantly defamed the work Macau has done regarding revising the city’s Law on Safeguarding National Security, and made smears regarding the condition of human rights and the rule of law in Macau.

“It also contained baseless claims concerning Macau’s successful implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.

In doing so, the report demonstrated completely its attempt at political manipulation based on bias,” the statement said.

The statement underlined that “since Macau’s return to the motherland in 1999, the city has seen rapid economic development, while the city’s residents have fully enjoyed extensive rights and freedoms enshrined in the Macau Basic Law.

“The ‘One Country, Two Systems’ principle has also been successfully implemented. These are undeniable facts,” the statement pointed out, adding that “with the strong support of the Central People’s Government, along with concerted efforts from across the community, Macau will surely see further achievements under the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ principle,” the statement.

The statement also said that “the EU has no right to intervene in Macau’s internal affairs, as they are part of China’s domestic affairs.

The MSAR government urges the EU to act in line with international law and the fundamental norms of international relations regarding a ‘non-intervention’ approach to the internal affairs of other countries,” the statement said, adding that “the EU mentioned in the 2022 annual report its support for the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ principle and the Macau Basic Law.

“The MSAR government hopes the EU will act in keeping with those pledges of support, and match those positive words with actions,” the statement concluded. 


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