Ying May Supermarket: breathing life into Cantonese music with comedy

2023-08-24 03:42
BY admin

Interview by William Chan

        Local pop musician GINNIE has told The Macau Post Daily in an interview last week about her band Ying May Supermarket and their recent achievements and prospects.

Formed in 2021, Ying May Supermarket has a distinctive feature of amusing themes and humorous lyrics, creating a musical style akin to situational comedy. The term Ying May has a double meaning in Cantonese: it can mean “beautiful” and “handsome”, or “American” and “English”.

GINNIE said that their music draws heavily on Western influences, while the majority of their songs are sung in Cantonese. “We hope this humorous contrast can bring a smile to the listeners’ faces,” she said.

The band’s music primarily falls under the pop genre, infused with elements of funk, punk, and other comedic influences. This style of music, often referred to as novelty or comedy music, is a new and exciting venture for all of our band members, according to GINNIE.

Coke Light

Ying May Supermarket won the “Favourite Song Award” and “Best Lyrics Award” of the 20th “TDM – Best of the Pop” contest with their song “Coke Light” on July 21. GINNIE noted that the inspiration for this song came from seeing a cola-spilling incident, which inspired their lyrics, while the name “Coke Light” comes from an internet joke, the story behind which implies “talking at cross purposes”.

According to GINNIE, “Coke Light” tells the story of a female protagonist who has experienced romantic setbacks, including an incident where she tipped a glass of coke over a man with romantic intentions. “We use coke as a metaphor for love – no matter how sweet or delicious, it is harmful to people, even if it’s sugar-free,” GINNIE noted.

GINNIE said that the aim of the song is to bring back memories of 1980s music to the audience. In terms of lyrics, GINNIE underlined that the band uses many unique writing techniques and vocabulary of Cantonese love songs. Their lyrics, filled with popular Cantonese phrases, can be enjoyed by both music aficionados and novices alike.

“Macau is a place of cultural fusion, and we see the power of cultural identity in the success of this single: music and culture are related,” GINNIE said.

Unhappy Meal

“Unhappy Meal” serves as the debut mini-album by Ying May Supermarket, revolving around the theme of a fast-food meal consisting of a hamburger, cola, and fries. Its objective is to create music resembling a sitcom, incorporating everyday elements and life experiences from Macau into the songs.

“Unhappy Meal” parodies the concept of a well-known fast-food chain’s “Happy Meal.” GINNIE said that the idea of the album came from the band’s producer and bassist JM.Icarus’s, where in life, many tragedies and comedies complement each other, and there exists a thin line that separates comedy from tragedy in the adult world: “Unhappy Meal” aims to convey the message of how to find humour in the trivial matters of life.

In addition to “Unhappy Meal,” the band released a monologue titled “Supermarket Radio”, in which GINNIE conveyed the band’s intention and hope to make their song as popular and frequently heard as the special offers played over the tannoy in every local supermarket.

The digital album has been released on all major music streaming platforms, and GINNIE extends a warm invitation to everyone to give it a try.

GINNIE said that the band’s new objective is to embark on a campus tour in Macau, as they hold their young fans in high regard and aspire to bring music to the younger generation. “We have a deep love for this city and hope to sow the seeds of music culture into the soil of the next generation, gradually illuminating the music atmosphere of Macau through the collective efforts of successive generations,” said GINNIE.

“Macau faces limited exposure opportunities, with few mainstream media channels and a small audience, which has rendered Macau’s music largely invisible to the outside world for an extended period,” GINNIE said. Thus, according to GINNIE, the band will prioritise music creation, enabling Ying May Supermarket to evolve along a more inclusive and diversified path, establishing a distinct band style over time. She noted that while making a living as a musician in Macau is not overly challenging, achieving success necessitates overcoming numerous obstacles such as the YouTube and social media algorithms, in order to expose their music to a wider audience.

GINNIE works as a reporter for The Macau Post Daily.

This image shows the cover of Ying May Supermarket’s song “Coke Light”.

This image shows the cover of the “Unhappy Meal” mini album.

Local band Ying May Supermarket receives their award last month during the 20th “TDM – Best of the Pop” contest at the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM). – All photos provided by GINNIE

GINNIE performs during the 20th “TDM – Best of the Pop” contest.


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