Collective COVID-19 outbreak hits retirement home: SSM

2023-08-30 03:41
BY Ginnie Liang

A retirement home reported a collective COVID-19 outbreak to the Health Bureau (SSM) yesterday involving four elderly female residents and a female staff member, aged between 52 and 90, according to an SSM statement yesterday.

According to the statement, the retirement home is on Rua Central de Toi San.

The statement said that all patients started to show flu symptoms such as fever, cough and runny nose yesterday, adding that none of the patients were hospitalised.

The statement pointed out that all the patients’ rapid antigen test (RAT) results were positive, and they were all diagnosed with the novel coronavirus, and have been placed under strict isolation.

The statement also said that the retirement home has been deep-cleaned and the windows kept open for ventilation, adding that all the other residents and staff members in the retirement home’s tested negative for the disease.

The Health Bureau stresses that flu jabs are the most effective measure to prevent influenza and other respiratory infectious diseases, and it also urged residents to also cover their nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing and to see a doctor as soon as one comes down with flu symptoms.

For more information, the public can visit the website of the Health Bureau at or call 2856 1122 during office hours. 


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