Police car runs red light, hits motorbike

2023-09-06 03:06
BY William Chan

Responding to a video circulating on the internet showing a police vehicle crashing into a motorcycle, the Public Security Police (PSP) said in a statement on Monday that the police officer driving the car failed to see the red light as his sight was obstructed by a bus, leading to the accident.

The statement did not reveal the identity of the driver.

According to the statement, the car accident occurred at the junction of Rua do Almirante Sérgio and Travessa do Dr Lourenço Pereira Marques on Monday at 9:43 a.m. The rider sustained minor injuries and was taken to the private Kiang Wu Hospital, and breathalyser tests showed the driver and the rider’s alcohol concentration as 0 grammes per litre of blood.

The statement added that the Public Security Police have launched disciplinary proceedings against the driver. 


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