‘Local Curatorial Project’ debuts 4 exhibitions

2023-10-12 03:03
BY Rui Pastorin

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) said in a statement on Tuesday that four free-admission exhibitions for its “Local Curatorial Project” have recently debuted, with the project aiming to “encourage contemporary art creation in Macau, nurture local curators and provide a platform for local curators and artists to showcase their ideas and talents”.

An open call was held for proposals between April and June, the statement noted, and is part of the Art Macao: Macao International Art Biennale 2023”.

The exhibitions are titled “The Typhoon of Destiny”, “Synchronicity – Topology of Mind”, “Revelation to __” and “The Secret of the Golden Flower”, according to the statement.

“The Typhoon of Destiny” exhibition, which lasts until November 19 and was proposed by ART YIIMA and is being curated by Guilherme Ung Vai Meng, includes various art forms such as “performance photography” and large-scale sculptures, prompting questions and a reflection on the real world and human destiny

The “Synchronicity – Topology of Mind” exhibition was proposed and is being curated by Alice Kok (郭恬熙), the statement said. It is a meticulously designed exhibition that presents works which complement each other and “creates an environment of extraordinary sensory awareness”. It is on until November 26.

“Revelation to __” exhibition, meanwhile, was proposed by Myland Culture and is being curated by Lam Sio Man and Pal Lok Chok, lasting until November 30. It uses a “variety of experimental media and research-based creations to present the profound impact of artificial intelligence and big data on the new generation”, according to the statement.

Lastly, The Secret of the Golden Flower, which also lasts until November 30, was proposed and is being curated by Chang Chan. It explores the impact of technology on human existence in the era of “thriving artificial intelligence [AI]” through installations and videos.

For more information, visit www.artmacao.mo or follow the “artmacao” Instagram account, “IC Art” Facebook page, or the “IC_Art_Macao” WeChat account. 

This poster provided by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) on Tuesday promotes
“The Typhoon of Destiny”, one of the four exhibitions in the “Local Curatorial Project”.


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