Govt ‘firmly opposed‘ to US decision concerning human trafficking in Macau

2023-10-27 02:48
BY admin

The Office of Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak issued a statement yesterday in which it expressed the government’s strong dissatisfaction with and strong opposition to a recent decision by the US government concerning the prevention and control of human trafficking in Macau.

According to the statement, the decision was “obviously” based on the “false” claims contained in the “2023 Trafficking in Persons Report” released by the US State Department earlier this year.

The statement did not elaborate on the US decision.

The statement said that the report was an “attempt to confuse the international community” and “erase the achievement of the Macau Special Administrative Region [MSAR] over the years.”

Wong’s office described the recent US decision on the matter as “blatant and serious interference in the international affairs of the MSAR.”

The statement, which was released through the Macau Government Information Bureau (GCS), underlined that the prevention and control of human trafficking crimes in Macau has been “effectively carried out with the support of the central government.” The statement pointed out Macau’s situation concerning human trafficking is “good”, considering its low number of, “or even zero”, cases recorded “for a long time”.

According to the statement, the intention and scope of the “relevant decisions and reports issued by the United States” concerning the matter in Macau “obviously go beyond the prevention and control of human trafficking crimes themselves.” 


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