Facemasks required for care homes again due to high season of respiratory diseases

2023-12-04 03:14
BY Tony Wong

All those visiting or working at care homes for senior citizens, rehabilitation care homes, or drug rehabilitation homes are again being required to wear a facemask due to the fact that Macau has entered its annual high-incidence season of respiratory infectious diseases.

The facemask-wearing requirements, which were announced by the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) in a statement on Friday night, started to take effect on Saturday.

Considering that winter and spring are high-incidence seasons of respiratory infectious diseases in Macau, the statement said that with the aim of enabling those living in the three kinds of care homes to interact with their family members visiting them in a way that ensures their health, the Social Welfare Bureau had decided to impose its facemask-wearing requirements again for these facilities, after consulting the Health Bureau (SSM).

According to the statement, visitors and staff members of the care homes are now required to wear a surgical facemask or one with a higher standard during the entire duration of their stay there, except when they are eating and drinking or in other situations where it is necessary to remove their facemasks.

According to the statement, those who have come down with symptoms such as a fever, fatigue, muscle pain, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, or cough are barred from visiting the care homes. In addition, those who have self-tested positive for COVID-19 in a rapid antigen test (RAT) are also barred from visiting the care homes.

The statement also underlined that staff members of the care homes who have come down with any of the symptoms should see a doctor.

In addition, care-home staff members who have self-tested positive for COVID-19 in a rapid antigen test “should not” go to work. 

This photo taken last night shows a Fluid Resistant Procedure Mask package made in Cixi City, Zhejiang province, on sale in Macau. – Photo: MPDG


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