Tender for taxi-operating company licences conducted openly & transparently: transport chief

2023-12-11 03:31
BY Tony Wong

Transport Bureau (DSAT) Director Kelvin Lam Hin San said yesterday that the government has been carrying out its ongoing public tender for the granting of 10 eight-year company licences, each of which will be allowed to operate up to 50 common taxis, in an open and transparent way.

Lam insisted that DSAT officials fully complied with the law when unsealing the submitted bids late last month.

Lam made the remarks while speaking to reporters on the sidelines of yesterday’s charity event “Walk for a Million”.

The tender for the 10 company licences was launched on October 25. The 40 submitted bids were unsealed by DSAT officials on November 24. However, the bureau announced on November 27 that it had decided to only accept 21 of the 40 bids while it rejected the remaining 19.

The bureau said at that time that the 19 bids were rejected because the respective companies did not meet the statutory requirements for operating taxis or their tender documents failed to meet the official requirements.

Last week, lawmaker Ron Lam U Tou said that DSAT officials appeared to have failed to comply with official requirements when unsealing the 40 submitted bids, because of which, Lam said, the government should cancel the tender and launch a new tender process.

Ron Lam said last week that DSAT officials initially decided to accept 27 of the 40 submitted bids before finally only accepting 21.

Kelvin Lam also noted yesterday that all bidders or their respective legal representatives were present when the DSAT officials were unsealing the submitted bids.

The transport chief said that the respective stakeholders or their lawyers can request to check the minutes of the meeting when the DSAT officials unsealed the bids.

Kelvin Lam said that his bureau normally launches many public tenders every year, all in full compliance with the law and official regulations. 

Transport Bureau (DSAT) Director Kelvin Lam Hin San talks to reporters on the Nape waterfront on the sidelines of yesterday’s charity event “Walk for a Million”. – Photo courtesy of TDM


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