‘Relations’ exhibition features art from China, Portuguese-speaking countries

2023-12-28 02:49
BY William Chan

The 5th edition of the “Encounter in Macau – Arts and Cultural Festival between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries”, organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), is showing the “Relations – Annual Arts Exhibition between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries” at the Exhibitions Gallery and Nostalgic House of Taipa Houses.

The event has invited seven artists – Zhou Wei and Zhang Wenxin from the mainland, Bordalo II from Portugal, Eduardo Fonseca from Brazil, Lino Damião from Angola, and two local artists: Lai Sio Kit and Cheong Hoi I.

During an encounter at the recent exhibition, Cheong introduced her work to The Macau Post Daily. She discussed her installation titled “Everyone Has Their Own Truth,” which showcases over 100 prints derived from a single printing board engraved with the Chinese word “真相” (truth). She emphasised that “a hundred people will have a hundred interpretations of the same truth due to our diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Recognising this inevitable phenomenon, we should strive to build a society that embraces a broad spectrum of views, aiming for inclusivity and diversity.”

Cheong also briefly introduced two other artworks, namely Lino Damião’s “This City no.3” and Zhou Wei’s “Creation of Macao.” Regarding Damião’s work, she noted that it represents a compilation of his creative and imaginative journey as he navigated the streets of his hometown in Angola. As for Zhou’s creation, she highlighted his use of waste materials and clay to construct renowned local landmarks, such as the Macau Tower and the Ruins of Saint Paul’s.

Meanwhile, Portuguese artist Bordalo II also introduced his works and art installation, which are also part of the event, at the long-defunct Old Iec Long Firecracker Factory and the erstwhile Lai Chi Vun Shipyards on December 20. The story was published on December 21 at https://macaupostdaily.com/article20166.html

The exhibition will be on until next Monday, New Year’s Day, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission to the exhibition is free of charge.

Portuguese artist Bordalo II’s artworks displayed at the exhibition

This photo downloaded form a Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) website yesterday shows Brazilian artist Eduardo Fonseca’s artwork “The Invasion of the Rabbits”.

The exhibition’s “Single Moment” by local artist Lai Sio Kit

This photo downloaded from an IC website yesterday shows mainland artist Zhou Wei’s artwork “Creation of Macao”.

This photo taken last week shows local artist Cheong Hoi I’s work “Everyone Has Their Own Truth” displayed at the Exhibitions Gallery and Nostalgic House of Taipa Houses

Angolan artist Lino Damião’s artwork “This City no.3” – Photos: William Chan


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